Employee Tracking System

Employee Tracking System – SaleBee CRM

Ever wonder what your team gets up to all day? Want to know what makes them shine or struggle at work? Look no further than Employee Tracking with SaleBee CRM!

This tool shows how your team spends time, the websites they use, and also what they type.  This information helps you spot areas to improve and boost overall teamwork!

With SaleBee CRM you can connect this info to your sales so that you can monitor how your team’s performance affects deals and happy customers. Find out which tasks bring in the most sales and figure out where some extra training might be helpful.

Let’s see the details of how SaleBee CRM as an employee tracking system becomes handy for you.

Types of Employee Tracking System

To be a good leader, it’s necessary to understand your team and find ways to make things better. Not all employee time-tracking system works in the same way. See the types below.

Time Tracking Systems

These systems track employee work hours. It ensures accurate payroll, compliance with regulations, and fair compensation. Popular options include time cards, biometric scanners, and cloud-based solutions that follow what projects you’re working on and remind you when you’re clocking in extra time.

Productivity Monitoring Systems

This time-tracking system analyzes how work is done. They track website visits, application usage, and even keystrokes. This system provides valuable insights into task completion, potential distractions, and opportunities for effortless workflows.

Communication Tracking Systems

Clear communication improves the team’s performance. You can utilize communication tracking systems to monitor email, chat, and social media interactions. It will let you identify potential issues, understand employee experience, and drive individual and organizational success.

Location Tracking Systems

For teams spread out in different locations, these systems use GPS or virtual boundaries to know where employees are. This is especially helpful for people who work in the field, deliver things, or work remotely. It lets you know your team is in the best place to complete their tasks and goals.

Performance Management Systems

These detailed systems combine different tracking methods to give a complete picture of how employees are doing. They look at how much time is spent on tasks, how well people communicate, and how much work gets done.

This information helps managers guide employees, develop their skills, and do performance reviews.

Benefits of Employee Tracking System

Employee tracking systems are used more and more in workplaces these days. Because of their abilities, many companies see them as a must-have tool. The below points will talk about the advantages you can get from it.

Boosting Productivity and Efficiency

Online employee tracking systems can show how employees spend their work day, highlighting areas where they might face problems or do great. With this information, you can identify activities that waste time unnecessarily.

By tracking progress on assigned tasks, this software ensures things get done on time and identifies any potential roadblocks. This allows for better allocation of resources, prioritization of tasks, and collaboration among team members.

On the other hand, employees stay motivated when they know their activities are being monitored during work hours. This sense of accountability can lead to getting more work done and less time spent on unproductive activities.

Data-Driven Performance Management

Employee time tracking system empowers managers to modify training programs to address specific skill gaps and improve overall employee performance.

Besides, identifying individual strengths and weaknesses, managers can utilize data to provide personalized coaching and development opportunities. It helps employees continuously improve and grow in their careers.

Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

ETS tracks how team members communicate with each other. It reveals strengths and weaknesses in collaboration. This data can be used to identify communication gaps that encourage collaboration between team members so the work environment becomes more friendly.

For geographically dispersed teams, this system can provide valuable insights into how they communicate and collaborate. By tracking project progress and communication within teams, you can manage your project efficiently, improve communication, and ensure timely delivery.

Strengthening Security and Compliance

You can identify potential security breaches or unauthorized access attempts through time management software. Based on the sensitive information, you may implement appropriate security measures and save confidential information.

Certain industries have strict rules regarding data security and employee activity monitoring. If you have this kind of system in your organization, a time management tool will let you know whether your employees follow those rules or not.

ETS also helps detect suspicious behavior or potential insider threats. This proactive approach can minimize risks and protect sensitive information from unauthorized access or misuse.

Additional Considerations to Get The Highest Benefits

Employee management software should be used primarily for performance improvement, not for micromanaging employee behavior. Transparency builds trust and minimizes concerns about employee monitoring.

Organizations need to make sure their software is used fairly and honestly, following the rules about keeping employee information private. This includes getting employee permission, explaining clearly how long information will be kept, and making sure there are ways to protect employee information.

Features of Employee Tracking System

These software tools offer a variety of features to help you manage your workforce more effectively and efficiently. Here are some of the key features you should look for in an employee tracking system:

Time Tracking

The core function of any tracking system is to record the time employees spend working. It keeps a record of clocking in and out, tracking active and idle time, and also monitoring website and application usage. Besides, it allows you to monitor project timelines and ensure tasks are completed within budget and on time.

Attendance Monitoring

This feature helps you track employee presence and identify any patterns of irregular attendance that could potentially impact project progress. It also simplifies record-keeping, which is helpful for organizations with large teams.

Project Management

The project management feature allows you to assign tasks to specific employees. You can also track their progress throughout the project lifecycle.

Reporting and Analytics

Time tracking systems generate reports on employee performance and their regular activities. This data can be used to assess individual and team performance and make plans for different segments of the organization.

Payroll Management

Automated payroll features make the payroll process simple and efficient. This transparent process reduces the risk of errors and also ensures timely and accurate payments to your employees.

Timesheet Management

Timesheets record employee work hours and billable time. This feature allows you to, verify billable hours against completed work, simplify invoice processing, and estimate future project costs based on previous timesheet data.

Productivity Monitoring

This feature provides insights into active and idle time. It typically offers detailed reports on total work hours, active and idle time, productive and non-productive hours, and neutral time.

App Integrations

Integrating your employee tracking system with other relevant tools and software can significantly enhance its functionality. Common integrations include CRM platforms, project management tools, and team collaboration software.

Factors to Consider When Buying An Employee Tracking System

Choosing the right employee tracking system is crucial for maximizing its benefits and ensuring its ethical implementation. Before getting your software, consider the following key factors.

Needs Assessment

Clearly define your specific needs and goals. If your business is small, a basic time-tracking system may be perfect for you. However, for large businesses with lots of activities, you should go for an advanced system.

Identifying your specific needs will help you narrow down your options and choose a system that best fits your requirements.


The system should be easy to use for both employees and administrators. A user-friendly interface with clear instructions will encourage employees to adopt the system quickly. Consider factors like easy navigation and accessibility on different devices.

Data Security and Privacy

You should ensure employees’ privacy while dealing with their data. Ensure your system contains robust security measures to protect sensitive information, such as encryption, secure login protocols, and regular data backups.

You must notify the data privacy regulations of your employee and get their consent before implementing the system.

Scalability and Flexibility

Your needs may change as you scale up your business. Choose a system that can scale to accommodate future growth and adapt to changing requirements. Look for features like flexible user permissions, customizable reporting options, and seamless integrations with other business tools.

Cost and Budget

You can get the tracking software within different price models. Figure out how much you want to spend on and which features are a must for your business. And then fix your budget.

There are a few options like subscription plans, per-user pricing, or one-time licensing fees are available. Choose what you think to match with your spending.

Customer Support

Choose a vendor that offers quick support. While using the application, you might need support for troubleshooting any issues or figuring out system usage. It would be great if help is available 24/7.

Free Trials and Demos

Many software makers offer free trials or demos to allow you to experience the software. Utilize these opportunities to assess the system’s functionality, user experience, and compatibility with your needs.

End Note

Employee time tracking system comes with so many features and functions to make your time managing tasks simple. With the employee tracking module of SaleBee CRM, you can manage your CRM activities along with managing your team’s time. So, make your decision wisely and invest to improve your overall business activities.  

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