

CRM Software Price
CRM Software Price in Bangladesh

In this digital era, more businesses understand the importance of a good CRM system. As a business owner, you probably thought about managing your customer relations more efficiently with the help of a CRM too. Investing in CRM is a big step. It takes a lot of time to research and investigate the available options […]

Best CRM Features
10 Best CRM Features for Your Business

A CRM, or Customer Relationship Management system, collects data and helps you to keep track of your customers and manage relationships with them.  With the right features and functionalities, a CRM helps salespeople, managers, marketers, and business leaders with their tasks. The core functionality of a CRM is to nurture leads and manage the overall customer life […]

How Does CRM Help Sales

Are you looking to make your sales process easier and more effective? The success of your business totally depends on how much you are able to sell. So, if your sales team struggles to sell efficiently, your company’s growth will suffer, which is bad news for everyone. Many sales reps spend a lot of time […]

The Ultimate Guide to CRM Software for Small Business

Have you heard of “customer relationship management” (CRM) before? It’s a way for businesses to keep track of their customers and improve sales. Despite its effectiveness, many salespeople still don’t use CRM tools. They prefer to use old-fashioned methods like spreadsheets and emails to store customer information.  However, using CRM software for small businesses can […]

How to Choose The Best CRM for Your Business

Picking the right CRM software for your growing business can be a challenge. With so many choices available, it’s important to understand what things to consider when making your decision. If you’re feeling overloaded by worksheets and the work of managing customer connections, it’s the right time to implement CRM in your system. A CRM […]

How CRM Helps in Customer Retention

Have you ever felt like a company truly knows you? Maybe they recommend something you love based on what you bought before or remember your name when you call. That’s the power of CRM! Getting new customers is tough. However, you can retain the old ones easily with a CRM. A CRM software like Salebee […]

Employee Tracking System
Employee Tracking System – SaleBee CRM

Ever wonder what your team gets up to all day? Want to know what makes them shine or struggle at work? Look no further than Employee Tracking with SaleBee CRM! This tool shows how your team spends time, the websites they use, and also what they type.  This information helps you spot areas to improve […]

sales-management-software-in- bangladesh
Sales Management Software in Bangladesh: SaleBee CRM

Ever wonder how businesses keep their sales teams on track? Well, it’s all about sales management – the software behind successful sales operations. Sales management software works on planning, direction, and control of an organization’s sales activities to achieve its objectives. The good thing is that you can now get a sales management module in […]

free crm software in bangladesh
SaleBee’s Free CRM Software in Bangladesh

Do you use Excel, Google Sheets, or a notebook to track your sales? Well, it’s quite hectic to handle all your sales data in this way when your startup land at a certain stage. Customer Relationship Management or CRM software like SaleBee is able to make you more productive in this case. However, affording a […]